"UnknownHostException" on AndroidOS

Alright so I’m doing some coding and kept running into this strange error while trying to connect to a site to perform a POST action.

12-01 18:27:52.175: WARN/System.err(764): java.net.UnknownHostException: Host is unresolved: www.strazzere.com:80

Obviously www.strazzere.com is a valid and resolvable host since you can read this post. This occurred whenever .connect() or .getOutputStream() was called. So after banging my head against a wall for a bit (ok more like an hour or so), I decided to try the fundamentals of troubleshooting.

Does the emulator have internet? Yeap - can connect to www.google.com
Can the emulator get the host www.strazzere.com? No… Strange - could have sworn it did though?

Apparently something must have happened with emulator upon switching connections or after hibernation. The solution seems to be to reboot the emulator. After doing so, I checked connection with www.strazzere.com and it worked fine. Yet another thing we can sing all-hail-reboot for I guess. Maybe the next version of the emulator will handle these better, though it’s not too bad as long as you know what is going on I guess.

Hopefully this article is found by some frustrated developer who hit the same wall I did!