So haven’t been around for a while, due to the flu. So it gave me plenty of time to play PapiJump and PapiRiver. Though I kind of got interested in the method of high scores so I took a more indepth look at it. I’ll posted all the code to emulator a papi* score submit. I took out the little tidbit that actually sends the request, so this just prints to the screen. I’ve also removed the “secret keys” which wouldn’t be too hard to find if your really wanted to use this.
/* * @file * * @author Tim Strazzere * * @date Jan 20th, 2009 (finished same day) * * @desc: * An attempt to spoof the high score function of papijump, * and papiriver since they are just different secret keys * * should produce a url similar to: * * * [broken down] * * // game id * gid=2000 * // game version * &v=1.0.0 * // license? * &lid=1 * // terminal id * &tid=4232145dfg8432145 * // date / 1000 * &dt=1232171270 * * // score? * &sc=844 * // CRC'ed hash * &ha=3817043337 * * // eh? always 1 * &tt=1 * // terminal name * &tn=T-Mobile+G1+Vi116143 * */
Ah, also - kudos to anyone who figures out what I replaced the keys with. It’s sort of a little joke…
On a little after thought, maybe it should be called papipwn? Eh - oh well, either way it will be easily bannable/removable by the administrators. It’s not hard as they are linked to your specific android id so I wouldn’t recommend using this or if you do, going over board with it.