Found this post I ment to put up yesterday, it was actually on an usb drive but I figured I’d throw it up here incase anyone else wanted the information… Enjoy!
Been playing around with the Vending.apk - which is present only on the G1 device currently, not on the emulator. If you’ve been following any of the threads over at xda-dev you might have seen one discussing how to move the market’s cache to the sdcard. When I re-find this thread I will link it, but for now that’s besides the point. I’m sure other people have been looking for a “market.apk” though after looking at this thread you’ll realize that it is actually “Vending.apk”. Though oddly enough, this .apk does not contain a dalvik-executable (.dex file), though it contains other files that you would normally find in .apk’s. The structure of the Vending.apk from my phone was the following;
Looks like they have includes some interesting things, buypage.xml, AndroidManifest.xml (this includes the intents and permissions the applications uses). I tried like many other people I’m sure, installing “Vending.apk” onto the emulator, but you will get a Failure [-11] when pushing it through adb.