Vending.apk reversing and getting live market data...

Mmmmm... Market Data...
So I’m not sure why I didn’t think to try to get live market data? For some reason I just figured it would be done with SSL or something so I just didn’t try it. Long story short, after building a market-cache parser - I realized, DOH! You can just get the market data live using certain requests! Luckily the parser I made worked fine with the data that I was getting sent back.

It took a little reversing of Vending.apk to see exactly what type of encoding was being used - I sort of guessed right just by looking at what the phone was sending via a Cain&Abel and Wireshark dump. Though google just happened to have some data in there that would through errors if you tried decoding the data directly or certain ways.

I’ll post come up some of the reversing I did on Vending.apk - more specifically the .buildPostParameters routine which is where everything was created for post. It’s actually pretty interesting stuff, and it helped find some routines online that google has publicly available through apache… Though I didn’t find them in the Android libraries :) (nice of them, no? haha)

Anyway, tournament tomorrow followed by a snowboarding trip tomorrow - so I’ll probably post that data on monday!